Triple Threat Theater Workshop (Ages 14 and up)
About this workshop: This workshop will focus on the audition process and what to expect at the Community theater/Professional level. “Triple Threat” doesn’t mean you have to be the best at everything, it means you know your type and what you bring to the table. It means you leave your audition knowing you did everything you physically and mentally could to show them exactly who you are and how you want to be seen. Remember, the casting director wants you to succeed, it’s only us that get in our own way.

Triple Threat Theater Workshop (Ages 9-13)
About this workshop: This workshop will focus on the audition process and what to expect at the Community theater/Professional level. “Triple Threat” doesn’t mean you have to be the best at everything, it means you know your type and what you bring to the table. It means you leave your audition knowing you did everything you physically and mentally could to show them exactly who you are and how you want to be seen. Remember, the casting director wants you to succeed, it’s only us that get in our own way.

The Music Man Dance Audition Prep Class!
The Music Man Dance Audition Prep Class!
This workshop will teach you techniques to better prepare you for dance auditions for RTAA’s production of The Music Man. Workshop will include: a physical warm-up, conditioning, and learning sections of choreography from the show. Be ready to work hard and have a lot of fun!

The Lightning Thief Dance Audition Prep Class!
The Lightning Thief Dance Audition Prep Class!
“Bring on the Monsters” and get one step ahead of your competition. This workshop will teach you techniques to better prepare you for dance auditions for RTAA’s production of The Lightning Thief. Workshop will include: a physical warm-up, conditioning, and learning sections of choreography from the show. Be ready to work hard and have a lot of fun!

Reader’s Theater (Session 2)
In this second session we will continue to learn the difference between hot and cold reads, build reading confidence, learn audition monologues, read through multiple scripts, learn to read with expression, proper emphasis and clear enunciation. Build relationships through working with different scene partners! If you took the first session, come join us again! New students are welcome, there's so much to learn.

In this six-week course, students will connect and create as a supportive group. Through basic exercises in Viewpoints, the Laban Technique, and meditation, actors will learn how to use their body and voice to connect and express emotion for performance.

Reader’s Theater
Reader’s Theatre taught by Topeka Vaughn!
In this class we will learn the difference between hot and cold reads, build reading confidence, learn audition monologues, read through multiple scripts, learn to read with expression, proper emphasis and clear enunciation. Use this class to prep for future auditions or the next workshop you’re in!